LAWKI Day 31
September 19, 2010
Breakfast: Ben made waffles
Lunch: snacks, sandwiches after church
Dinner: tacos, tortillas, refried beans, horrible Mexican rice
Well, I knew I could not do LAWKI month if I did not try to cook beans at least once. Even though we ate canned ones many times, I needed to get over the psychological barrier of starting from the dried bean. I soaked them Friday night and then cooked them on Saturday. On Sunday, I made refried beans. A friend talked me through how her mother-in-law made them and I started out relatively confidant. It did not last for long. The recipe said I could add more water if necessary, but I felt like I was adding too much. And no matter how long I mashed them and fried the, the skins were still in big chunky pieces. I think they tasted okay, but I was not a fan of the consistency, and I have tasted much better. I am thinking of asking my favorite Mexican restaurant if they give out recipes. As for the Mexican Rice, let me just say that making it with Oriental style sticky rice ruined it before anything else could.
Things overheard in my house in the last 24 hours:
“We have real milk?”
“My trusty egg pan, I have missed you.”
“Yes! It’s real milk!”
“Grapes! Oh yum, oh yum.”
“Hey mom, did you forget what a grocery store looks like?”
Yes, we are done with LAWKI Month. There was much rejoicing.
Final LAWKI Family Survey:
What 3 words would you use to describe your final thoughts on LAWKI month:
Positive, thought-provoking, Done!; Annoying, mean, cruel; Over Over Over; Good, French Fries!!!, Skim Milk!; I hate quizzes; Wasteful, neutral, stupid
What food did you miss the most:
Milk; meat; Eggs! Chocolate Milk!; Beef, Fast Food; Cookies; Fresh chicken, salad, the potential foods from fresh ground beef
What non-food thing did you miss the most?
Freedom, quick dinners; Shopping; Eating out; The Fast Food Drive Thru; Nothing; Driving to church.
What lessons do you think we learned from LAWKI Month?
None; Be grateful; We have a lot of food; That we can adapt, how much eating out is a part of socializing; How to make powdered eggs; Learned to try new recipes and that sometimes they don’t work on the first try, how glad I am to live at this point in time with modern conveniences such as electricity, dishwashers, microwaves, stove/oven, abundant clean water, farmers who grow my food so gardening can be a hobby instead of a way of life.
Did you eat all of your Crazy Shopping Day Food? When did you eat it?
No-ate my Fritos early, potato chips last few days, and did not open the pretzels; No-ate my puddings, but did not use all of the Ramen; No-still had tortillas and Nutella and string cheese (this brand was gross!) left over; No; Nope, but I did not buy any; Yes, finished my Fuze drinks yesterday.
Would you buy the same things again? What would you get instead?
Same drinks but Ramen instead of rice cakes; Yeah, but better stuff (cologne); No, I wouldn’t buy Ramen, I would buy my own eggs!; I would not get tortillas (Shannon can make them J), but I would buy French fries or other baked snacky items; I would get more pudding cups; I was happy about the chips and sour cream, but I would have bought beef and chicken.
What did you hate eating and would never eat again, even if you were starving?
Canned meats all mixed up in things; Tuna casserole, Fried zucchini; Nothing; Rice, canned chicken, nothing I would not eat if I was starving; Beans; Tuna casserole.
What did you like eating and would not mind having, even if it was not LAWKI Month?
Powdered chocolate milk; tortillas; Potatoes fried with bacon; everything; tortillas, homemade pita and tortillas, spam is a tolerable substitute.
What surprised you the most about LAWKI Month?
The traditions of food, the psychology of food; The amount of food we have; How good powdered milk can be; We had regular meals all month; Nothing; How good powdered chocolate milk tastes.
On a scale of 1-10, how crazy are your parents/we for doing this?
On a scale of 1-10, how angry are you to participate in this?
2 (yes! The 10 was finally a 1!)
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you think this affected life?
On a scale of 1-10, how much did LAWKI Month worry you? What worried you?
Worries: worried about being “stumped” about what to cook, worried about giving up or running out of an essential thing that would make us quit; I was a 9 at the start; I was worried we would have to eat rice everyday.
On a scale of 1-10, how much would you want to try this again?
5.5 (2-10s, 2-1s, a 5 and a 6)
On a scale of 1-10, how prepared do you think our family is for an emergency? Do you think LAWKI affected your answer?
8.8 (yes, yes, kind of, yes-but I can see more clearly the holes so it is hard to judge)
I am going to post this much now. It is only 4 days late already. I do have more thoughts I want to write, but that may be another day or two until I get to that. Thanks for the comments and ideas you have shared. They have been one of the highlights of this month.
This was in yesterday's paper (Sept 22). It made me think of when I went downstairs mid-LAWKI Month and discovered that the kids had gone through all of the sodas in the mini fridge and most of the microwave popcorn.
Pearls Before Swine

And, because I figured out how to do this, I wanted to put this strip in from September 20th. It is commonly stated at our house, and mentioned in a post last week, that all foods can be improved by adding either cream, butter or cheese.